pandita putra

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Human Understanding

I finally got around to reading Lila (a book by Robert Persig) today. I sort of can relate to some of the stuff that Persig writes in Lila... One of the interesting things that set me thinking about, when I read the first few pages was about human understanding. Now, set a concept in front of a person, the way he percieves/thinks/understands the concept could be very different the way you thought about the same thing... Set forth the same concept in front of the same person at a different point of time, he might gain a new insight about the same thing... Does that mean that his understanding has improved? What is improvement? What is right? ah, well.. so many questions....

Aside, I am very happy today. Basavesh downloaded the SICP lecture videos!!!! Got around to listening to the first lecture... THE most thrilling feeling I've had since I started reading the book. I cant believe that I am listening to the same person who wrote the exalted book! This is one case where technology has been put to good use ;-)


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