pandita putra

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Random Access

The grey matter called brain! The grey matter sitting inside my body works a little unlike others I guess... should I contact GOD for a free replacement (or at least a free service ;-) )? While I would have liked to learn something about Quality or Morals or both while reading Lila, the only thing that has made sense till this far in the book is Phaedrus's "random access". Random access, is a method deviced by Phaedrus to keep track of all the notes he wants to build up as his next book (Metaphysics of Quality). Ah well, I always knew there was something wrong with my grey matter...

Speaking of free replacements, I sure as hell hope that I would be getting one for my motherboard at least. The nVidia nforce2 ethernet controller just gave up on me the other day. So I'll probably be taking that for replacement today...

On the up-side, Basavesh has done it again! I dont know how he gets this knack of finding _good_ stuff on the net. He downloaded lots of mp3's of some really good keynotes and other stuff... So, Nitin, don't be surprised to see a _big_ increase in my CD collection when you return :)

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Human Understanding

I finally got around to reading Lila (a book by Robert Persig) today. I sort of can relate to some of the stuff that Persig writes in Lila... One of the interesting things that set me thinking about, when I read the first few pages was about human understanding. Now, set a concept in front of a person, the way he percieves/thinks/understands the concept could be very different the way you thought about the same thing... Set forth the same concept in front of the same person at a different point of time, he might gain a new insight about the same thing... Does that mean that his understanding has improved? What is improvement? What is right? ah, well.. so many questions....

Aside, I am very happy today. Basavesh downloaded the SICP lecture videos!!!! Got around to listening to the first lecture... THE most thrilling feeling I've had since I started reading the book. I cant believe that I am listening to the same person who wrote the exalted book! This is one case where technology has been put to good use ;-)

Friday, October 08, 2004


OK, this is quite late to talk about Lindec (happened almost 3 weeks back). But it was worth going there just for attending Nat's talk. Man! This guy rocks!! His first talk was a general one about how he started hacking and some of his hacks... Well, came to know that the "transparency" hack (on xterm) was his!! Later the e team incorporated this hack into Eterm... He also told about raster's famous typos on IRC ;-). Nat also demoed a typo-corrector of sorts which he had written when he used to hang out on #linux... overall, it was a satisfying weekend.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004


Aha! started blogging!!